2.3 Versatile sizes

As has been mentioned earlier Virtual Panels applications support video cards with various aspect ratios. As a standard we chose VGA and you must use in all declarations the sizes in VGA high resolution mode pixels (640x480). These standard sizes we call VGA sizes. Every VGA size is converted by Virtual Panels core into what we call Versatile size using current aspect ratio so that the button's and the Object's shapes remained unchanged when resolution other than 640x480 is current. We use for VGA sizes notations with single x and y and for Versatile sizes notations with double x and y.

Example: x0, y0 are initial coordinates in VGA pixels and xx0, yy0 - in Versatile pixels.

You can use functions xx__x(int), yy__y(int) to convert VGA sizes into Versatile sizes and x__xx(int), y__yy(int) for the opposite operation.

Example: xx0 = xx__x(x0); y0 = y__yy(yy0);